Friday, February 5, 2021

Convert Low Res Image Logo Vector In 30Mint



You maybe got some images from online source or maybe from offline but these images Resolution too poor, even not printable ? No worry we'r here to fix these convert low res image logo to vector as well as others illustrator issues. 

Maybe you would you like to printing them for corporate use or fabrication, street sign & so on and need to improve graphics. We'll will give you the realistic professional image with all format AI Source file/EPS/PDF/PSD/JPEGE/PNG Transparent at 300 to 1.2k DPI.

Placed order and let me fix all your need on the go.

Work features:

  • Ready to print for any purpose 

  • Most of delivery in 24 hours 
  • All sorts of image and art turning to printable 
  • Realistic and professional image produce 
  • Improve your art and graphics work

  • T-Shirt Design 

  • Any other Illustrator based work

  • Instant support and Work in California time.

Drop me a message to get my pricing details for other illustrator and 3D based work.





Josh is a consummate professional, with great communication skills and detail oriented in his work...but he is FAST!! I messaged him late last night about a project I had, just to see if he was interested. He got back to me very quickly, and his efforts were EXACTLY what I was hoping for, despite my rather poor directions. Placed the order last night, and less than 18 hours later...PERFECT DELIVERY! Will be working with him again at every opportunity. I highly recommend him to anyone in need of a vector-based graphic artist!


Seller delivered as per their service ad. Be ready to respond immediately if they write with queries as your business will not slow them down, so don't miss your chance to give input!!


I highly recommend Ecomjoshua for anything you need made into a vector! I had a last minute request for a mock up sketch of mine to be turned into a vector file and he responded quickly and was very helpful with my needs! He was done before I even realized. Now I have the perfect file to print for my car stickers.


This redraw is absolutely fantastic! and the turn around was epic. It would have taken me days to get this done. Thank you so much, Josh! 10/10 will use again!


Working with Joshua is very easy. He understood my requirements well. With reasonable quoted price, he delivered a very fine output. I would use his service again in the future. Best of luck, Joshua. I am relieved that I can count on you.

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